Are There Opportunities To Socialise In A Retirement Home?

If you're considering a retirement home for either yourself or a family member, you likely have several questions and concerns. A common worry is that there will be a lack of opportunities to socialise when moving to a retirement home, but when you speak to the home manager, these worries are likely to be put to rest, as retirement homes tend to offer a rich calendar of events and activities for residents to choose from. Read on to learn more about the potential opportunities to socialise when you live in a retirement home.

Organised Clubs

Retirement homes run a range of organised clubs with the aim of meeting the needs and interests of the residents. You may find there is a weekly board game club, walking group, swimming group, knitting club, yoga class or art group running. Residents should be consulted periodically to ensure the clubs being offered are enjoyable, and you should have the opportunity to suggest alternatives. Joining an organised club is a great way to meet people in a relaxed environment and enjoy a shared interest together.


In addition to regular clubs and groups, residents will also be offered the opportunity to go on outings, particularly during the summer months and for special occasions, such as Christmas or other summer holidays. Outings on offer may include a trip to the beach, Christmas markets, the theatre, cinema or bowling. Joining in with these outings is a great way to have some fun and enjoy the company of others.

Making Use Of Communal Spaces

Retirement homes have communal spaces, such as lounge rooms, that allow residents to come together informally and watch a movie or have a chat over a cup of coffee. Making use of these spaces and regularly spending time in communal areas will allow you to quickly get to know the other residents and connect with people who have similar interests to you.

Creating Your Own Opportunities

There's no reason why you can't start your own informal group or club in a bid to meet like-minded people. You can use communal spaces or your own room and start a book club, movie club or whatever else you enjoy. Let other residents know they're welcome to join you for a movie or a walk and you'll likely find others who are keen to make new friendships just like you.

As you can see, there are lots of opportunities to socialise when you live in a retirement home, and you may find your social calendar is busier than it was before you decided to make the move. Reach out to a local retirement living village to learn more.
